101 in 1001

The challenge
Complete 101 preset tasks (mine are listed below) in 1001 days.

When I first saw the 101 in 1001 I was intrigued- mainly because lets face it I LOVE goals!  And then I thought why would it be 1001 days, seems like an awful long time to me... then I read more about the Day Zero Project and realised that 1001 days is much better than my New Years resolutions that I have made each year and failed to complete.  Some goals are just to hard to achieve in one year- they make take time to get started and may involve a lot of actions to complete.  1001 days (approx 2.75 years) is better than a year because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks.  For example going overseas takes time to plan and time to save, studying usually involves more than two semesters and some outdoor activities are better in winter, others in summer.

Start date: 1 January 2013
Completion date: 29 September 2015

1. Learn to crochet (I’ve had the books for over 5 years I think)
2. Do one thing from your Pinterest pins every month
3. Make a dog hammock to go in the car (protects them from flying into the front and stops them trying to get up front)
4. Design 5 stationary ranges
5. Make 5 dolls (1/5)
6. Make 5 softies
7. Make 5 gifts for 5 friends - just because
8. Organise and file away my craft stuff/material etc etc so its neat and tidy
9. Make a quilt for baby
10. Make an outfit for baby

11. Buy a house
12. Finish home office
13. Put photos in my two favourite picture frames
14. Buy a new bed
15. Setup a guest room and use our old bed in it
16. Get a dishwasher (and no that’s not going to be me anymore hehe)
17. Get an industrial oven
18. Buy a dresser from the op shop and revamp with new paint and glass handles
19. Sort out all my old clothes and give to friends/op shops
20. Clean out the kitchen cupboard

Baking and cake decorating
21. Make my first wedding cake
22. Make a profit on a cake (not just covering my costs)
23. Learn how to make a two tiered cake (DONE!)
24. Learn how to make a three tiered cake
25. Learn how to make ombre ruffles (two skills there)
26. Learn how to pipe and flood on cookies
27. Buy a 2nd Kitchenaid bowl
28. Learn how to make sugar flowers
29. Learn how to make swiss meringue cupcake frosting
30. Go to a week long intensive Planet Cake course

Family and relationships
31. Go on a family holiday to Merimbulah (this is actually on my dad’s list but I really want to go as well- so I’m going to make sure it happens)
32. See the Lion Kind when it returns to Australia in 2013
33. Go camping 5 times
34. Spend 5 weekends away with my husband only (dog is optional)
35. Go to 15 new restaurants/cafes in Canberra (1/15)
36. Hand write a letter to someone each month
37. Go on holidays with Tyler’s family- and no not to camp, a family holiday even to somewhere different
38. Get pregnant
39. Have a baby
40. Go to the baseball in Canberra
41. Go for a real picnic
42. Go to the ballet with my girlfriends
43. Go to America with husband
44. Throw a dinner or dessert party with a clever theme
45. Eat at the dining table every night for a month

46. Learn to make my own soil (dad is going to teach me)
47. Plant my sunflower seeds (DONE! I guess we will wait to see if they grow)
48. Plant 2 more basil plants (I abuse the one plant I have and need more) (1/2)
49. Plant my flower seedlings into little pots for front veranda (DONE! I guess we will wait to see if they grow)

50. Figure out blog topics
51. Design 10 free printables for blog
52. Do a blog giveaway
53. Start a regular blog post theme

Food skills
54. Learn how to make gluten free puff pastry
55. Learn how to make gluten free spinach and ricotta puffs (using pastry above)
56. Cook 30 new recipes- from books or Pinterest pins

57. Pay off car
58. Save up to buy tickets to America
59. Save up for an adventure in America

60. Do the Daniel prayer and fast (21 day fast- this is not a fast from food, its a more restricted menu and taking away things from life that occupy lots of time) (DONE!)
61. Go to a church camp for the whole time not just a few days here and there
62. Run craft classes for church and the local community at my church- making contacts and showing off my church friends and my life to people in the community
63. Participate in at least 75% of the Battle of the Ages activities at church
64. Fast for 24 hours, 3 times, with purpose (1/3)

65. Learn how to play my ukulele
66. Learn how to change my car tyre and how to put more air in it
67. Go to the art gallery 5 times
68. Take my dresses to the dry cleaners
69. Learn what each of the brushes in my makeup brush kit do
70. Get an old bike from the re-cyclery and fix it up
71. Wash my face every night for a month... then rinse and repeat (I know its disgusting and I disgust myself! I need to turn this into a night time routine so I don’t skip if I’m tired)
72. Grow my hair so that my pony tail is at the bottom of my shoulder blades
73. Watch 10 musicals (movie or theatre)
74. Go to the Dentist (DONE!)
75. Learn to curl my hair
76. Buy a hair bun donut (DONE!)
77. Get 5 massages (or other day spa treats) on my own- me time, down time

Charity, volunteer work and good deeds
78. Donate money to HART (Himalayan Animal Rescue Team)
79. Sew 3 dolls/softies for TSL toy drive for the Canberra Hospital
80. Make cupcakes for the RSPCA cupcake day
81. Volunteer to help at the Mothers Day Classic 2013
82. Host a Girls Night In
83. Buy TOMS shoes for Tyler and I (ok so we benefit from this one as well)
84. Donate a % of profits from a product to charity (still deciding on a charity and what item I’ll sell)
85. Adopt a WWF animal
86. Have a three things party with friends and educate them about OXFAM’s 3 Things movement

87. Get a bigger desk
88. Organise a creative space
89. Download files from my old hard drive and back up
90. Cull all my hoarded fabric and craft items
91. Put up my noticeboard so it’s not sitting on my desk
92. Organise a better filing system

93. Get cake decorators insurance so you can start selling cakes
94. Get kitchen assessed by ACT govt so you can sell cakes
95. Read my business book and complete the activities
96. Figure out which business avenue to take (I always have so many projects going on)
97. Print business cards
98. List something on Etsy
99. Sell something on Etsy
100. Participate in the Canberra Handmade Market
101. Go to Pro Blogger

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